This series will be using one long resistance band, the hulk band. Some of these exercises can be incorporated with dumbbells so gradually challenge yourself by adding weight.

Front squat- for this exercise we will begin by placing the resistance band under our feet and with an underhand grip at chin level holding the other end. Engage your core before dropping into your squat, break at your hips and knees then return to initial position by pressing feet through ground. Remember, keep your chest high and core engaged when returning to starting position.

Sissy squat- begin by placing a resistance band, securely attached to a fixture, then insert your feet in the loops. Place the resistance band behind your knees and begin by going into a Squat while leaning back into the band. Keep your chest high and core upright on the way up Focus on squeezing through your quads. This exercise is quad dominant so mind muscle connection with that area.

Bulgarian split squat- begin by placing the resistance band under 1 foot and behind your neck the other foot will be placed on a bench. Will begin by breaking at the hips and knees, keeping our tour so upright, coming down to a 90° angle, then pressing our feet down into the ground, squeezing through our heels, glutes and quads. Repeat for the desired amount of reps and then switch legs.

Kneeling thrust- begin by placing your resistance band securely attached to a fixture you will then get in the resistance band loop and place it at hip level. Begin by breaking up the hips, pushing your glutes back, allowing the resistance band to pull you back. When, returning to the upright position, squeeze through your glutes and press your hips into the band, repeat this exercise for the desired amount of reps and remember you’re welcome to use a dumbbell or a barbell for extra gains.