Lets take it to the park! Using a red and black long band we will perform a weekend total body activation workout.
Squat-press: Starting with our feet at hip width apart and placing a long band under our feet, hands holding band with an under grip. We will then preform a squat by breaking at hips and sinking our weight into our heels. Explode by pressing through your heels and stretching the long band over head. Repeat this motion for the desired amount of reps.
Bicep curls: Standing with feet hip width apart, place a band underneath your feet and hold with under grip. Place your arms at 90° then pull the resistance band upwards towards your shoulders. Slowly and controlled bring your arms back to a 90° position and repeat this for the desired amount of reps.
Tricep ext-This exercise will replace a long distance been around any steady object. With a slight bend at the hips lean forward, keep your knees slightly bent. Place your arms at 90° and extend backwards without locking them out return to beginning position and repeat.
Rows- Wrap your long bag around a strong safe object. Grip the ends of the band with your hands and bend your elbows at 90°. Begin by pulling from your elbows and rowing into navel area. Pro tip (do not row too high or you will feel this in your traps think row to pockets).
Slow and controlled release the band extending your arms and then returning to the starting position. Repeat for the desired amount of Reps
Standing thrust- Wrap your long bag around a strong safe object and place the band around your hips make sure you walk out and find resistance. Place your feet hip width apart, slightly bend your knees and begin by breaking at your hips sinking your weight into your heels and feel the stretch through your glutes. Make sure your spine is aligned and you are not arcing or over extending through the movement. Powering through your heels explode through your hips and glutes. Squeeze at the top without arche your back and repeat the movement of the desired amount of reps
Standing Kickbacks-my all-time favorite! Strap a band around a strong object and place the band around your leg. Pro tip, (start with your weak leg).
With a slight bend at the knees, keeping your foot externally rotated, explode from your heal and squeeze your glutes at the top. Keep a strong core, not allowing for the body to swing while performing this exercise. Slowly controlling the band in a scooping motion, bring your leg back in without arcing your lower back down. Hold the band at your heel, again explode to repeat this motion for the desired amount of reps