Home or gym version shoulders & triceps

Gym version

-cable front row- for this exercise you will begin by placing a resistance band on your wrists under your knuckle bone you will place your arms in a 90° position, begin by pressing shoulders against band and elevating your arms overhead. Return your arms down to a 90° position and repeat for the desired amount of reps.

Gym version

-bent cable front pull- begin by placing the band at wrist level under your knuckle bone. You will be in a bent hip position and squeezing shoulders and band outward pull your arms forward and up to your your ear level, return arms down slowly to beginning position and repeat.

Gym Version

-rear delt fly- begin by placing the band at your wrists under your knuckle bone slowly begin to pull from your elbows and doubts backwards, pulling through the resistance band. Slowly return arms to the frontal position, and repeat this movement for the desired amount of reps.

Gym Version

-Arnold press- placing the resistance band under your knuckle bone on your wrist. You will begin by having your hands in front of you, palms facing your face. Slowly squeeze from your shoulders and rotate your arms outward in a 90° position and extend overhead while keeping tension in the band. Slowly returned down into center rotating your arms, allowing your palms to rotate into initial position and this is one rep.

Gym Version

-Tricep extension-begin by placing a resistance for a band around your wrist and the other hand will be gripping the resistance band. The working and will bend from the elbow, extending outward and pulling the resistance band. Slowly return hand inward to starting point, and repeat for the desired amount of reps.